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  • Qeady Design

What Is Resorption?

You may never have heard about resorption with regard to your teeth, but everyone experiences it. When you're a child, resorption is no big deal, but as an adult, it's not something you want.

Here is some information about resorption, what it is, and how it can affect your teeth. There are steps you can take to stop resorption from happening.

About Resorption

Resorption occurs when your body decides to break down the material in your teeth to reuse elsewhere. This is exactly what happens when you lose your teeth as a child.

When it's time for you to lose your teeth when you're young, the tooth roots that anchor your teeth to your jawbone begin to dissipate. Your body resorbs the material to use in other places in your body, and your tooth falls out.

When you are young, losing your teeth isn't a big deal because those lost teeth are replaced by adult teeth. However, losing your teeth in adulthood is different.

If you lose your teeth in adulthood, they can't be replaced with natural teeth. Instead, they will have to be replaced with artificial teeth.

Many people think that losing a tooth because of resorption is not horrible because you have plenty of other teeth left in your mouth. However, that isn't the case.

Once you lose one tooth because of gum disease, it is easier to lose other teeth as well. And losing a tooth may mean your chewing pattern becomes different.

Losing a tooth due to resorption can even change the shape of your jaw due to bone loss. That's why it is so important to take care of your teeth and gums before you start losing teeth.

If you have questions about gum disease, contact us for more information. You can also call us to book an appointment.

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