Periodontal Disease
Periodontal Disease Treatment – Regaining Healthy Gums
Tinton Falls, NJ
Periodontal Disease is a common dental health issue, which is characterized by a bacterial infection. The infection starts with the gums, but if untreated, it can spread to other parts of the mouth – namely the jawbone. Periodontal Disease, while common, is a serious dental condition that can have a huge impact on your oral health as well as your appearance. However, patients suffering from periodontal disease can find respite from various periodontal disease treatments available. At Premier Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, we offer a wide range of dental solutions, which helps to treat periodontal disease and fix the several dental problems it can cause.
Learn More About Periodontal Disease
Causes Of Periodontal Disease
The bacterial infection that leads to periodontal disease is usually caused by the buildup of oral bacteria in the mouth, as a result of poor oral hygiene. The bacteria interact with food particles stuck in the mouth, producing acids and other toxins that affect the gum tissue, thus causing its inflammation. The inflammation is characterized by swelling, bleeding, and redness of the gums - some of the symptoms of periodontal disease. Constant bad breath is also common due to the toxins created by the bacteria.
If the periodontal disease is left untreated, the damage can spread to the jawbone – at which point it transforms to the second stage of the disease, periodontitis. At this stage, the jawbone is infected, leading to bone loss. The damage to the gum tissue also becomes extensive, leading to receding gums, which expose the teeth and can even cause them to fall off.
Periodontal Disease Treatment
Periodontal disease is treated by controlling the infection (stopping its spread) and fixing the damage caused. The treatment process starts with a dental examination to assess the damage caused to your gums, teeth, and jawbone. Dental x-rays, CT scans, and physical dental examination techniques are used at this stage. Following the assessment, a customized treatment plan is created based on your unique condition. Depending on your situation, the treatment can involve one or a combination of the following solutions:
Professional dental cleaning - professional dental cleaning helps to remove the plaque and tartar that has built up on your teeth, thus helping to prevent the production of more acids and toxins.
Deep cleaning treatment - if too much plaque and tartar have accumulated - on your teeth as well as below the gumline - deep cleaning treatment can be used to get rid of them. The procedure involves scraping away the dental plaque and tartar on the surface of the teeth and smoothing out the surface of the roots to get rid of the oral bacteria.
Use of medication - while dental cleaning and deep cleaning can help to get rid of the oral bacteria, they do not treat the problem. Medications such as antibiotics, enzyme suppressants, and antiseptic are used to get rid of the infection.
Surgical treatments - in cases where the disease has advanced, the damage to the gum tissue and the jawbone can be too expensive. Surgical treatments are thus used to fix the damage. Examples of surgical treatment that are used in treating the disease include pocket reduction surgery (to treat receding gums), bone surgery (to reshape an altered jawbone structure), and bone graft and soft tissue graft surgeries to regenerate bone and gum tissue.
periodontal disease can cause several problems, including loss of teeth and a damaged facial structure. However, thanks to the solutions offered by Premier Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, you do not have to suffer from these problems. If you are experiencing symptoms of periodontal disease, call us today at (732) 747-1766 to schedule an appointment.